Top three criteria for choosing the best pharma airfreight container

Find out what to consider when evaluating and choosing the right airfreight container that can efficiently protect pharma’s cold chain

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pharma airfreight containers

Pharmaceutical products must arrive to their destination without the quality of the product being compromised. Therefore, the right packaging system is critical to ensure their safe delivery.

Pharma and logistics decision-makers are tasked with finding the right container solutions to deal with delicate product requirements and supply chain risk, such as global and local environmental regulations, product temperature excursions, delivering products on time and keeping transportation costs down.

Download SkyCell’s top three criteria guide to find out how to ensure quality control in the pharma supply chain by using the right airfreight container solution that increases transportation reliability, agility and sustainability.

Download this guide to learn how to:

  • Reduce total logistical costs and uncover hidden cost drivers that can significantly reduce corrective and preventive action and write-off costs.
  • Find the safest container to reduce product loss and failure rates.
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of the pharma supply chain by understanding which container design is suitable for you.



Wildhaber & Stoelzle, Performance comparison of pharmaceutical airfreight containers, 2021

Wildhaber & Stoelzle, Performance comparison of pharmaceutical airfreight containers, 2021, illustration 37, 38 and 39  

*SkyCell has initiated the study and partially contributed to the research costs.

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