Five-step guide to closing the visibility gap in the supply chain
Discover how to increase supply chain maturity, what causes visibility gaps, and how to close these gaps to gain maturity in five steps
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With an average of US$35bn in losses across the cold chain industry each year according to the IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science, it is critical to understand where supply chain gaps occur and what resources are available to achieve end-to-end supply chain visibility and prevent these losses.
To ensure pharma companies are eliminating supply chain blind spots and driving increased revenue opportunities, download Cloudleaf’s Supply Chain Visibility Index for an overview of Gartner's supply chain maturity model and what causes visibility gaps. After examining causation, the guide dives into how to determine the best approach to closing these gaps.
In addition, the guide offers advice on how to anticipate and avoid disruptions, reduce operational and working capital costs, and monitor and measure success instantly.
Download this guide to discover:
- Expert definitions and reviews for Gartner’s five stages of supply chain maturity.
- What the different types of visibility gaps are and what causes them.
- How to gauge these visibility gaps and close them.