80% of Pharma Manufacturers Have Started their Serialisation Projects Due to Imminent Deadlines

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By 2016/17 all pharmaceutical companies trading in European countries will have to serialise, but the technology solution providers and manufacturers that are already rolling out their serialisation project have told us that on average it will take two to three years to actually implement all the required technology on an international scale.

We know that some manufacturers are waiting for the Delegated Act to be released before starting their implementation, but the reality is that if you don’t start implementing soon then it may be too late, due to the timelines for the technology implementation.

Ahead of the Pharmaceutical Serialisation and Traceability Summit 2012 in November, Pharma IQ conducted
a survey of pharmaceutical manufacturers to find out if they would be compliant in time.

Key Findings:

80% of the pharma manufacturer survey respondents have already started their implementation due to the imminent deadlines – 48% are currently looking for solution providers, 13% are running a pilot and 19% have started a global, multi-site roll-out.

Will you be ready? For more download the results here now


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