

Good Distribution Practices in the Pharma Supply Chain - Focus on Brazil

Cold Chain IQ | 05/13/2013

Brazil’s National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) opened a consultation on the 4th April to propose the formation of an electronic tracking system for drugs from point of production through to the point of dispensing to the patient.

The proposed tracking system is to be based on the two-dimensional barcode, the Datamatrix, that will be included on sales packaging as well as secondary packaging such as pill packs and hospital packs.

The CEO of Anvisa, Dirceu Barbano said: "Companies holding registration with Anvisa will be responsible for placing on each package a Unique Drug Identifier (IUM) formed by the drug registration number for the product containing thirteen (13) digits, plus the serial number, expiration date and lot number."

The comment period closed last week on the 9th May 2013. For an outline of the proposal go to:

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