The 3 A&IP solutions that caught GSK’s attention in 2018

These active and intelligent packaging innovations were commended by GSK at the recent AIPIA event in Amsterdam

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During the recent Active & Intelligent Packaging Industry Association event in Amsterdam, GlaxoSmithKline delivered a challenge to the attendees.

GSK wanted companies to show how disruptive technology in the industry could offer better routes to consumer interaction and engagement, at both the retail shelf level and via e-commerce.

21 companies were given the opportunity to present their active or intelligent packaging innovation to a panel of senior GSK executives, including the Global Packaging Innovation Manager.

Of these companies, three were commended by GSK for their ideas and will continue to work with the company in the coming year to develop their solutions.



Battery free Bluetooth tag technology


Wiliot, an Israel based start up, was recognized for its battery free Bluetooth tag technology.

Their developing product is a fingernail-size device, thin as a sheet of paper, costing less than $1, which can receive and transmit Bluetooth messages using only ambient RF energy.

Both Qualcomm and Merck KGaA have invested in Wiliot so far, bringing the start up’s venture capital to $19 mn since being founded in January 2017.

Speaking to the investment, Boaz Peer, Director of Qualcomm Ventures Israel, said "As we look at the IoT space, we see battery-free Bluetooth technology as the next great leap, driving exponential growth for the entire IoT ecosystem, from smartphones and Wi-Fi hubs to battery powered beacons".


Constantia Flexibles

WOW interactive packaging


Constantia Flexibles focus their packaging innovation on four pillars; sustainability, performance packaging, interactive packaging and brand protection.

Their interactive packaging technology aims to increase consumer engagement and also provide important data insights.

They utilize a digitally readable packaging material with a digital platform for data management and a smartphone app customizable to a wide range of uses from product information to gamification.

As Alexander Baumgartner, CEO of Constantia Flexibles notes “our world is changing fast; our new packaging solutions meet the requirements of today and tomorrow.”


H&T Presspart

Biggest Impact on the Healthcare Community


H&T Presspart pitched their smart connected device technology to showcase how it could be used across a range of respiratory drug delivery devices to improve adherence and patient outcomes.

The eMDI is the first market-ready, fully embedded and connected metered-dose inhaler. The technology aims to improve patients’ adherence to medication doses, encourage self-care and help professionals maintain real time monitoring by tracking and recording data on the use of medications.

H&T Presspart believe that smart respiratory drug delivery devices are the future of improving patient adherence, while also bringing large savings and efficiencies to patient healthcare.


The growth of intelligent packaging

According to research by Smithers Pira, the combined active and intelligent packaging market value is projected to reach $7.56 bn by 2023.

The growth of this market has been driven by two key factors; consumer engagement and opportunities for brand protection.

Brands are seeing the value of customer engagement and retention through smart packaging. Pharma companies are also looking into how interactive contact with the consumer could increase patient adherence.

There are also a number of A&IP applications in the brand protection space. As a market at high risk of counterfeiting, pharma companies may be able to further utilize new packaging innovations to protect their products and enable consumers to authenticate their purchases.

It will be interesting to see what new developments will enter the active and intelligent packaging market in the coming years.