

Why system inefficiencies prevent digital initiatives scaling beyond pilot

Pharma IQ | 12/12/2019

Tonino Antonetti, Executive Director for Regulatory Affairs and Quality Management at Roche understands that nothing is as constant as change. 

Referencing W. Edwards Deming, Antonetti shared in a recent webinar that 85 per cent of the reasons behind project failures are due to deficiencies in systems and processes rather than employees. 

These deficiencies can range from a lack of early stage analysis to limited or narrow process training. They can also include weak project marketing, insufficient insight from relevant stakeholders and failing to build in early successes to motivate employees.

Antonetti believes that successful change management hinges on a three-step process. The first phase involves raising awareness, both of the proposed initiative and the expected outcomes. During this process, feedback and ideas can be gained from stakeholders and changes made. 

The next phase is focused on creating acceptance by empowering employees to take individual ownership of the change. This can be achieved with increased focus on training and testing of new processes and systems. 

The final phase is the full implementation, where the new initiative is embedded into the company workflow. Many companies jump ahead to this stage, attempting to move a project too swiftly from pilot to program. To ensure success, Antonetti is clear that companies should: "Start small, fail fast and build in opportunities for success from the start".